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2023-05-24 14:44  




时间 单位 职称/职务/学历学位
2019/8-2020/8   英国利兹大学欧冠足球官网地址 访问学者
  2016/11- 至今  欧冠足球官网地址 副教授
2015/1–2016/10 欧冠足球官网地址 讲师
2012/9-2015/1 天津大学理学院 博士
2009/9-2012/7   天津大学理学院 硕士
2005/9-2009/7   济南大学理学院 学士


本科生课程: 复变函数、实变函数

研究生课程: 泛函分析、解析函数空间、复动力系统、线性混沌


1. 科研项目


    2017.09-2019.08,天津市教委自然科学研究项目,加权Bergman空间上线性算子组不交动力学性态及应用研究,主持结题;项目号 2017KJ124

    2016.01-2017.12,欧冠足球官网地址博士基金,Orlicz-型空间上的积分型算子的性质,主持结题;项目号 52XB1514

    2015.01-2017.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目,高维复空间全纯自映射单参量连续半群及相关问题研究,第二参与结题;项目号 11401426

    2014.01-2017.12,自然科学基金面上项目,复合算子空间的拓扑结构及相关问题的研究,主要参与者结题;项目号 11371276

    2013.01-2015.12,河北省自然科学基金,复合算子的紧差分和拓扑结构,第二参与结题;项目号 A2013202265

2. 论文发表

    Yuxia Liang and Jonathan R. Partington,  Representing kernels of perturbations ofToeplitz Operators by backward shift-invariant subspaces,  Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory (2020) 92:35 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00020-020-02592-7.

    Yu-Xia Liang, Ze-Hua Zhou, Disjointness of the differentiation operator tuple on weighted Banach spaces of entire function, Operators and matrices, (2019) 13(3) 585-599. DOI: 10.7153/oam-2019-13-44.

    Ya Wang, Yu-Xia Liang,Disjoint supercyclic weighted pseudo-shifts on Banach sequence spaces, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2019, 39(4) 1089-1102. DOI: 10.1007/s 10473-019-0413-1.

    Yu-Xia Liang, Rongwei Yang, Energy functional of the Volterra operator,  Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2019 (13) (2) 255-274 doi:10.1215/17358787-2018-0029

    Yu-Xia Liang, Ze-Hua Zhou, The nonlinear superposition operators between Zygmund-type and Bloch-type spaces, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2019 (16)(2)  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-019-1304-3

    Yu-Xia Liang, A left linear weighted composition operator on quaternionic Fock space, Results Math. (2019) 74:23, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00025-018-0948-9.

    Yu-Xia Liang, Rongwei Yang, Quasinilpotent operators and non-Euclidean metrics, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 468(2) (2018) 939-958.

    Yu-Xia Liang, Cui Chen, New characterizations for differences of Volterra-type operators from  α-weighted-type space to β-Bloch-Orlicz space,Mathematische Nachrichten 291 (14-15) (2018) 2298-2317.

    Yu-Xia Liang, Integral-Type Operators from F(p, q, s) Space to -Bloch–Orlicz and -Zygmund–Orlicz Spaces,Complex Analysis Operator Theory 12(1) (2018)169–194.

    Yu-Xia Liang, Volterra-type operators from weighted Bergman–Orlicz space to beta-Zygmund–Orlicz and  gamma-Bloch–Orlicz spaces, Monatsh Math  (2017) 182:877–897 DOI 10.1007/s00605-016-0986-x

    Liang Yu-Xia, Ze-Hua Zhou, Weighted differentiation composition operator from logarithmic Bloch spaces to Bloch-type spaces, Mathematische Nachrichten, 290 No. 2-3, 349-366( 2017)/ DOI 10.1002/mana.201500

    Han Shi-An, Liang Yu-Xia,  Disjoint hypercyclic weighted translations generated by aperiodic elements, Collectanea Mathematica. 67 (3)  (2016) 347-356.


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