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2020-10-17 15:03  


       主要研究方向为:组合图论:图的整数流理论和图的染色问题,在本领域重要期刊如J. Combin. Theory Ser. B.,J. Graph Theory等杂志共发表学术论文十余篇,现主持国家自然科学基金项目一项,参与天津市自然科学基金项目一项;现担任美国数学评论(Mathematical Reviews)评论员,天津市131创新人才(第三层次)。


时间 单位 职称/职务/学历学位
  2018/7-至今 欧冠足球官网地址 讲师
2013/8-2018/5   美国西弗吉尼亚大学 理学博士
 2010/8-2013/7 上海大学 理学硕士
  2006/9-2010/7 聊城大学  理学学士


图论 高等代数 高等数学


1. 科研项目

    2020.1-2022.12  符号图的模定向与群连通   国家自然科学基金青年项目(主持)

    2018.10-2021.6  图的染色和整数流问题研究  欧冠足球官网地址引进人才基金项目(主持)

    2019.4-2022.3  图论中的图同态与染色研究  天津市自然科学基金青年项目(参与)

2. 论文发表

    Miaomiao Han#, J. Li*, M. Wang, X. Li, Group Connectivity under 3-Edge-Connectivity, Journal of Graph Theory, 2020, accepted. https://10.1002/jgt.22623

    Miaomiao Han#, Z. Miao*, Eulerian Subgraphs and S-connectivity of Graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 382 (2020) 125323.

    Miaomiao Han#*, H.-J. Lai, J. Li, Yezhou Wu, Contractible graphs for flow index less than three, Discrete Mathematics, 343 (2020) 112073.

    Miaomiao Han#, H.-J Lai, J.-B Liu*, Modulo 5-orientations and degree sequences, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 260 (2019),155-163

    Miaomiao Han#, J. Li, R. Luo, Z. Miao*, List star edge coloring of k-degenerate graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 342 (2019),1838-1848.

    Miaomiao Han#, Y. Lu, R. Luo, Z. Miao*, Neighbor sum distinguishing total coloring of graphs with bounded treewidth, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 36 (2018), 23-34.

    Miaomiao Han#, H.-J. Lai, J. Li*, Modulo orientations with bounded independence number, Discrete Applied Mathematics 247 (2018), 14-22.

    Miaomiao Han#, J. Li, Y. Wu, C.-Q. Zhang*, Counterexamples to Jaeger's Circular Flow Conjecture, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 131 (2018), 1-11

    Miaomiao Han#, H.-J. Lai, J. Li*, Nowhere-zero 3-flow and Z3-connectedness in graphs with four edge-disjoint spanning trees, Journal of Graph Theory 34(4) (2018), 577-591.

    Miaomiao Han#, H.-J Lai*, Y. Shao, The index problem of group connectivity, Journal of Combinatorics 8 (2017), 305-321.


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